Welcome Pittsburgh Protectors!

Albert Anthony Real Estate is honored to announce our special discount program we've created as a tribute to our active & retired Pittsburgh Police, Fire Fighters, Paramedics & Emts. As a way of saying THANK YOU for your dedicated service to the people of Pittsburgh, Albert Anthony Real Estate offers Special Discounts on Real Estate Services for both BUYERS & SELLERS! To become eligible for our PITTSBURGH PROTECTOR DISCOUNTS, please complete the following FREE/No-obligation Registration.
* See below Registration Information
Robert Downey Jr.

Our Pittsburgh Protector Pays it Forward

"I am appreciative and humbled by this award..."
Thank you to Robert Downey Jr who received his plaque yesterday and donated a catered meal to the Allegheny County Police Station at the Airport. Such a generous and humble man. We at Albert Anthony Real Estate were honored to present this award to such a deserving person with so many years of serving our community.

Pittsburgh Protectors WTAE 2014


Officer Jim Kuzak Jr. Awarded Pittsburgh Protector of the year 2014, by Albert Anthony Real Estate.




Department of Employment: *
Active Duty/Retired: *
Station Location: *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Approximate Years of Service: *
Email: *
Phone: *
Home Address:
Neighborhood you currently live in: *
I'm Considering BUYING or SELLING my home within the next: *
How did you hear about our PITTSBURGH PROTECTORS PROGRAM? *
Do you prefer a specific Realtor of Albert Anthony Real Estate?
Would you like an Albert Anthony Real Estate Representative to contact you?

Questions or Comments I have:

* Rest assured that there is no cost or obligation to completing this form.

Your pre-registration simply allows you to take full advantage of our special pittsburgh protector discounts on our services if and when you should choose to buy or sell your home!

©2015 Albert Anthony Real Estate, Inc.
Pittsburgh, PA, 15217
  1. https://www.posmn.com/
  2. https://horseswithouthumans.org/
  3. https://mysterynovelist.com/
  4. https://www.alianzademediosalternativos.org/
  5. https://hemophiliasc.org/
  6. https://rebuildingtogether-oaklandcounty.org/
  7. https://www.albertanthonyrealestate.com/
  8. https://www.thewildestjourney.com/
  9. https://www.doumouchtsis.com/
  10. https://www.phocaltherapy.com/
  11. https://liviacstein.com/
  12. https://joharasnakedance.com/
  13. https://www.125timeinharlem.org/
  14. https://savingdowns.org/
  15. https://drpcjaipur.org/